Cardiovascular and Renal Disease in Chronic Critical Illness

Tyler J. Loftus, Amanda C. Filiberto, Tezcan Ozrazgat-Baslanti, Saraswathi Gopal, Azra Bihorac
2021 Journal of Clinical Medicine  
With advances in critical care, patients who would have succumbed in previous eras now survive through hospital discharge. Many survivors suffer from chronic organ dysfunction and induced frailty, representing an emerging chronic critical illness (CCI) phenotype. Persistent and worsening cardiovascular and renal disease are primary drivers of the CCI phenotype and have pathophysiologic synergy, potentiating one another and generating a downward spiral of worsening disease and clinical outcomes
more » ... anifest as cardio-renal syndromes. In addition to pharmacologic therapies (e.g., diuretics, beta adrenergic receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and blood pressure control), special consideration should be given to behavioral modifications that avoid the pitfalls of polypharmacy and suboptimal renal and hepatic dosing, to which CCI patients may be particularly vulnerable. Smoking cessation, dietary modifications (e.g., early high-protein nutrition and late low-sodium diets), and increased physical activity are advised. Select patients benefit from cardiac re-synchronization therapy or renal replacement therapy. Coordinated, patient-centered care bundles may improve compliance with standards of care and patient outcomes. Given the complex, heterogeneous nature of cardiovascular and renal disease in CCI and the dismal long-term outcomes, further research is needed to clarify pathophysiologic mechanisms of cardio-renal syndromes in CCI and develop targeted therapies.
doi:10.3390/jcm10081601 pmid:33918938 fatcat:tfad727ehrgfnab6rbarklmlxa