Optical tomography using the SCIRun problem solving environment: Preliminary results for three-dimensional geometries and parallel processing

Martin Schweiger, Leonid Zhukov, Simon Arridge, Christopher Johnson
1999 Optics Express  
We present a 3D implementation of the UCL imaging package for absorption and scatter reconstruction from time-resolved data (TOAST), embedded in the SCIRun interactive simulation and visualization package developed at the University of Utah. SCIRun is a scientific programming environment that allows the interactive construction, debugging, and steering of large-scale scientific computations. While the capabilities of SCIRun's interactive approach are not yet fully exploited in the current TOAST
more » ... implementation, an immediate benefit of the combined TOAST/SCIRun package is the availability of optimized parallel finite element forward solvers, and the use of SCIRun's existing 3D visualisation tools. A reconstruction of a segmented 3D head model is used as an example for demonstrating the capability of TOAST/SCIRun of simulating anatomically shaped meshes.
doi:10.1364/oe.4.000263 pmid:19396283 fatcat:tlqg4zgmrfcfnhxcmv7njo2bvy