In-process force monitoring for precision grinding semiconductor silicon wafers

Jeremiah A. Couey, Eric R. Marsh, Byron R. Knapp, R. Ryan Vallance
2005 International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)  
Forces generated during precision wafer grinding are small and present challenges for accurate and reliable process monitoring. In this work, these challenges are met by incorporating noncontact displacement sensors into an aerostatic spindle that is calibrated to measure grinding forces from the relative motion between the spindle rotor and stator. This arrangement allows the calculation of grinding forces without introducing compliance into the structural loop of the grinding machine.
more » ... ic spindles are used in precision wafer grinding requiring high stiffness and very low error motions (5-25 nm). Several experiments evaluate this force sensing approach in detecting workpiece contact, process monitoring with small depths of cut, and detecting workpiece defects. The results indicate that force measurements offer good performance for monitoring precision wafer grinding since this approach provides excellent contact sensitivity, high signal resolution, and has sufficient bandwidth to detect events occurring within a single revolution of the grinding wheel.
doi:10.1504/ijmtm.2005.007695 fatcat:32srocxm6fdkpoiahmobr46ddu