The Role of Knowledge Management on Individu, the Community and the Organization

Didi Sundiman Didi Sundiman
2013 IOSR Journal of Business and Management  
Adoption of knowledge management (KM) has become the emerging agenda in developing business strategies. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to an emerging debate centred on the ways in which knowledge management (KM) might be give benfits and, in turn, how KM practice might be improved. Stillslightly companies in particular will benefit from the application of KM for enhanced decision support, expanded human performance, and sustained competitive advantage. Using quantitative design, the
more » ... authors explore the benefits of KM in business systems. In this study, we attempted to explore the underlying dimensions of benefits of KM using a wellresearched survey instrument. Using principal-components factor analysis, we discovered three main factors among the variables, Benefits of KM For the individual; Benefits of KM For the community of practice; Benefits of KM For the organization.
doi:10.9790/487x-0714754 fatcat:swwruuidjnb7bijvhic52sxnfm