The Trial of the Hundred-Ton Gun

1877 Scientific American  
The 10 0-ton gun, built by Sir William Armstrong for the Italian Government, was, as we have already noted, trans ported to Spezzia, Italy, and there was fired fifty times, this being the proof test called for by the contract with the maker. The results of the trials show that, with a projec tile weighing 1,997'6 lbs., and charges of powder varying between 299'6 and 373 '5, the pressures at the bottom of the bore ranged between 16 and 21'4 tons per square inch. The velocities obtained were
more » ... en 1,337'6 and 1,504 feet per second. The four targets, against which the shots were directed, varied both in general construction and in the nature of the plates with which they were covered. Target No.1 was Fig. 1_
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican03101877-150 fatcat:zhbneyk74narjhzgtit7no4z54