Pleuritis Clinically Diagnosed as Aspergillosis during the Course of Microscopic Polyangiitis

Yasutaka Kimoto, Kensuke Oryoji, Ayumi Uchino, Shigeru Yoshizawa, Hiroaki Niiro, Hiroshi Tsukamoto, Takahiko Horiuchi
2014 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
Pleural aspergillosis is a rare fungal infection. We herein report a case of pleuritis clinically diagnosed as aspergillosis without apparent Aspergillus lung lesions. A 75-year-old man receiving immunosuppressive therapy due to microscopic polyangiitis was admitted for treatment of massive pleural effusion. Histology of the parietal pleura revealed septate hyphae. In addition, a hematological marker of Aspergillus indicated Aspergillus pleuritis. The pleural effusion resolved after
more » ... on of the voriconazole. The trigger for invasion of Aspergillus into the pleura was thought to be spontaneous pneumothorax, which had occurred five months earlier.
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.53.2168 pmid:25500446 fatcat:tr5o7pb3svcapnzambzcj26zfu