Noise and Vibration Solutions Considering Stability Effects for High-Speed Rail ChônAn Station in Korea

Wooram Shim, Hwanjoong Joo, SeoJin Joo, SangYeup Lee, HaeSung Park, Joonil Lee
2003 IABSE Symposium Report  
The objective of this paper is to address to the providing an adequate noise and vibration solution, required for High Speed Rail while maintaining the stability criteria of the ChônAn station structure, he first constructed in Korean High Speed Railway. t The significant acoustic pressure level will be induced by the high speed trains passing-by. Therefore, the high level study of this case is necessary. The previously conducted, experimental program similar to ChônAn station was carefully
more » ... ined in order to observe the compatibility and adaptation, and the finite elements methods was performed by elaborating a model of the station. The acoustic pressure level of 85 dB(A) inside the ChônAn station was expected, and the result from the analysis indicates that the spaces below concrete slab are not suitable for commercial purpose, thus installation of filtering systems (spring boxes containing viscous dampers, ballast mats and acoustic shield) are provided to reduce the effect of the noise and vibration to acceptable level of 55 dB(A). But, a major drawback of application of the previously conducted experimental results was that the actual effect of installation of filtering system was never been validated. Therefore, the acquisition of noise and vibration on the present structure were obtained and compared to the computer simulations. These predicted the behavior of the station reasonably ell. Also, the installation of filtering systems gave the superior reduction on noise and vibration. w This application is successfully adapted without scarifying stability criteria related to the structural stability including excessive deformations or displacements. Three traffic operation safety limits: deck vertical acceleration, deflection of the structure, and longitudinal displacement of the slab were satisfactory. Any possible negative effects due to the installation of such instrumentations are carefully considered to obtain the high level of performance and passenger comfort.
doi:10.2749/222137803796330202 fatcat:7crpiovbercinlpkhaxdnh5xwa