Stress-strain response in gears tooth root due to low cycle fatigue

Marina Franulovic, Kristina Markovic, Zdravko Herceg, D. Karaivanov
2019 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Gears are mechanical components which experience high dynamic loading during their exploitation period. Therefore, their load carrying capacity together with life expectancy are often the main research interest in various studies. The research presented in this paper is focused on the materials response in spur gears tooth root, with the attention given to the repeated overloads during gears operation. In order to simulate low cycle fatigue by using numerical modeling of stress - strain
more » ... ship within material, the material model which takes into account isotropic and kinematic hardening is used here. Material response of specimens produced out of steel 42CrMo4 in different loading conditions is used for the calibration of material model, which is then applied to simulate damage initiation and materials stress - strain response in gears tooth root. The results show that materials response to the given loading conditions non-linearly change through the loading cycles.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201928702002 fatcat:t33sh4kty5auzkhmb4zi2xxsra