Notes of Recent Exposition

1913 Expository Times  
Is original sin a fact, or have the theologians ] hitherto been altogether wrong about it ? Pro-I fessor ROYCE says that the theologians have been wrong about it, but that original sin is a fact. / Professor ROYCE delivered a course of lectures at the Lowell Institute in Boston, and at Manchester College, Oxford, on The Problem of Christianity. They have now been published by Messrs. Macmillan in two highly attractive volumes ('5s. i net). The lectures are obviously untheological. They are the
more » ... penly avowed interpretation of a philosopher ; and, as is the way with philosophers, there runs through them a scarcely concealed determination to criticise the theological interpretation of life. It is no surprise, therefore, to find that Professor RoncE rejects the theological theory of original sin. The surprise is that he accepts original sin as a fact.
doi:10.1177/001452461302401201 fatcat:to27w4h74vebbf5h2i6lr3doey