Phase selection in the mushy-zone: LODESTARS and ELFSTONE projects

D M Matson, R W Hyers, T Volkmann, H -J Fecht
In a collaboration sponsored by ESA and NASA, international partners have developed a work plan to successfully address key issues relating to understanding the role of convection on alloy phase selection for commercially important structural alloys using the MSL-EML facility aboard the International Space Station. The approach is two-pronged. First, ground and space-based experiments will develop a baseline database to anchor subsequent modelling predictions. Tasks include sample preparation
more » ... d verification, ground-based transformation evaluation, space-based experiments, and thermophysical property evaluation to support modelling activities. Second, modelling and theoretical analysis tasks will lead to a new understanding of the role of convection in phase selection for this class of materials. These models will allow prediction and control of microstructural evolution during solidification processing. Tasks include modelling of macroconvection induced by the EM levitation field, modelling of microconvection within the dendrite array, nucleation modelling, and modelling of the transformation kinetics specific to each alloy system. This paper outlines how two NASA-sponsored projects relate to the goals of the international collaboration.
doi:10.18725/oparu-43906 fatcat:hs5r3m4jwjfolimwtmqixdv2py