D.V. Spirev
2022 Russian-Asian Legal Journal  
The article is devoted to the study of the genesis of the development of the term of special knowledge incases of insult, subjects of the use of special knowledge in the pre-revolutionary period of the Russian state.The necessity of scientific development of approaches to understanding the essence of special knowledge inrelation to the Russian legal system, including criminal, civil and a set of norms in cases of administrativeviolations, is substantiated. The importance and necessity of a
more » ... tent interpretation of such a legal termis emphasized.The article analyzes the works of scientists on this topic, gives estimates and generalizations to this stageof the development of the term "special knowledge". Thus, the articles of a number of scientists on this topicare analyzed, after reviewing and quoting scientific research on this topic, analytical conclusions are givenon the influence of such ideas on the general construction and scientific justification of theoretical views on the definition of the term "special knowledge", subjects of the use and application of special knowledge,as well as the sectoral nature of such knowledge, that is, the use of opportunities various humanities andnatural sciences to address issues arising in the course of legal proceedings.The article provides an overview of the sources of Russian law, which contain indications of thepossibility of applying special knowledge, the subjects of their application or the nature of the applied specialknowledge. The importance of studying the history of the development of the term of special knowledge forthe formation of a holistic picture of the understanding of this multidimensional legal concept is emphasized.At the end of the study, a conclusion is made about the scientific elaboration of the genesis of specialknowledge in the pre-revolutionary period, as well as its influence on the further stages of the developmentof this scientific problem.
doi:10.14258/ralj(2022)4.6 fatcat:74zvn4o7sze3xjc2x6t2u2ibce