Improving mobile internet usability

George Buchanan, Sarah Farrant, Matt Jones, Harold Thimbleby, Gary Marsden, Michael Pazzani
2001 Proceedings of the tenth international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '01  
Mobile internet technologies, such as WAP, are important for pervasive, anytime, anywhere computing. Although much progress has been made in terms of technological innovation, many of mobile internet systems are difficult to use, lack flexibility and robustness. They give a poor user experience. Evaluation and theoretical analysis of usability combined with innovative design can achieve significant improvements in user performance and satisfaction. Using such multidisciplinary methods explains
more » ... he negative reactions to WAP, and -more constructively -suggest ways of developing more effective and efficient devices and services.
doi:10.1145/371920.372181 dblp:conf/www/BuchananFJTMP01 fatcat:j4bdnhsxhrg7ta3lstmwrxftga