Generalized one-loop neutrino mass model with charged particles

Kingman Cheung, Hiroshi Okada
2018 Physical Review D  
We propose a radiative neutrino-mass model by introducing 3 generations of fermion pairs E^-(N+1)/2 E^+(N+1)/2 and a couple of multi-charged bosonic doublet fields Φ_N/2, Φ_N/2+1, where N=1,3,5,7,9. We show that the models can satisfy the neutrino masses and oscillation data, and are consistent with lepton-flavor violations, the muon anomalous magnetic moment, the oblique parameters, and the beta function of the U(1)_Y hypercharge gauge coupling. We also discuss the collider signals for various
more » ... N, namely, multi-charged leptons in the final state from the Drell-Yan production of E^-(N+1)/2 E^+(N+1)/2. In general, the larger the N the more charged leptons will appear in the final state.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.97.075027 fatcat:2wuw22p63nhmrhm4hyrdvtmowq