Critical Disability Studies and 'Inclusive' Early Childhood Education: The Ongoing Divide

Nicole Eilers
2020 Journal of Disability Studies in Education  
Critical Disability Studies (cds) provokes the field of early childhood 'inclusion' to reflect on its own complex history in order to identify how ableism has played a central role in the field's development. However, the fields of early childhood 'inclusive' education and cds remain largely distinct. This paper explores the ongoing separation between these fields in the context of the United States. I begin by providing a brief overview of the history of cds and early childhood 'inclusive'
more » ... ation as distinct fields. Then, I discuss the divide between these two fields, analyzing their contemporary states, and describing the factors that facilitate the distance between them.
doi:10.1163/25888803-00101004 fatcat:h52g46kus5dxrerhd3wfagp3eu