Numerical Approach to Estimate the Effective Yield Surface of Random Porous Media for Spherical Voids

Hanane Elminor, Imane Bahraoui, Hassan Elminor, Elmokhtar Hilali, Toufik Kanit
2016 IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering  
In this paper, we describe a computational homogenization methodology to study of threedimensional cubic cells in order to estimate the effective yield surface of random porous media containing spheroidal voids. The representativity of the overall yield surface estimates is examined using cubic cells containing randomly distributed. Spherical voids are considered in the computations. The computational results are compared with some existing Gurson-type yield criteria.
doi:10.9790/1684-1305072632 fatcat:qkx3gga4izdgxlmxqukts4vwyi