Solar Field Optimization and its Impact on Overall Design and Performance of Solar Tower Thermal Power Plant in Bangladesh

Md. Sakib Hossain, Soad Shajid, H.J. Kim
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
Electricity generation using solar thermal power systems can be made more efficient and both technically and economically feasible in countries receiving moderate solar radiation like Bangladesh through thorough optimization of different parts of the power plant. In this paper a theoretical and mathematical framework for optimization of a 150 MW solar tower thermal power plant in Bangladesh which uses molten salt as HTF has been developed by applying different methods of selecting crucial
more » ... aspects, such as design point DNI, solar multiple, design point temperature etc. after selecting the most appropriate location based on GHI and DNI data. The effect of these design aspects on the overall design of the power plant including the number of heliostats, solar field land area, tower height, receiver dimensions etc. have also been studied and finally the performance analysis of the power plant has been conducted. Analysis of performance reveals that the optimized power plant would be able to deliver 528.66 GW-h electricity annually to the national grid while operating at a capacity factor of 40.2% and gross-net conversion efficiency of 88.635%. The promising performance of the power plant would encourage further research and innovation regarding large scale electricity generation from solar energy in Bangladesh.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202124201003 fatcat:qj7dxoe3bfdfnddvvvyiutt77q