学生参画で大学が変わる / 産業社会学部学生参画型FD懇談会の取組

山本 愛
This paper reports the practice of "Sansha FD discussion" which the FD committee of the College of Social Sciences has furnished since 2011. "Sansha FD discussion" is the gathering of students, teachers and administrators, which especially encourages students' engagement. I will elucidate the significance of "discussion with students" and its effect on faculty development. Also I will mention a new idea about the roles of "teachers, students, and administrators", and its new relations among
more » ... which go beyond the ordinary structure, that is, "someone who teaches, someone who is taught, and someone who does office work". The Sansha FD discussion has given us an expectation that the teamwork by the parties concerned in the field of education will make further innovations in creating a new university.
doi:10.34382/00007956 fatcat:cnyqp5yq6rch5lkeutafs2v5tm