QOS-QOE Energy Saving Optimization Model for Wireless Sensor Networks

义斌 侯
2018 Journal of Sensor Technology and Application  
The purpose of research on QOS-QOE energy saving optimization model of wireless sensor network is to define and study the optimization modeling of QOS-QOE energy conservation in WSN network. The main content is the research object of QOS-QOE wireless sensor network. Firstly it studies the WSN network and its following kinds of algorithm, mainly to solve the TSP problem, and then studies the QOE model, the parameters of which can include QOS factors and non QOS factors, finally studies the
more » ... E model parameters including QOS factors. The research method is mainly to find the key problem of QOS-QOE energy saving and optimization modeling of wireless sensor network. Usually the objective function is the key problem, mainly using ant colony algorithm, genetic algorithm, SVM + PCA and LS-SVM and LIBSVM under artificial neural network. The four key technologies of the Internet are widely used, and these four technologies are mainly RFID, WSN, and M2M, which are the two kinds of fusion. RFID can be implemented using MATLAB, NS2, JAVA; WSN can be implemented using NS2, OMNET++, and M2M can be developed using JAVA. The conclusion is that the Internet of things originated and developed in the Internet. On the contrary, the development of the Internet of things further promoted the Internet to a more extensive "interconnection". The Internet of things and the Internet are the relationship between the father and the child. The wireless network is just like the wireless WSN network, but the wireless node is fixed and mobile into sensor. The QOS-QOE energy saving optimization model of wireless sensor network is more energy saving and more accurate than other QOE models. The Internet of things includes Internet technology, WSN network, and RFID can be part of the WSN network, and the wings of RFID are WSN network. The aerospace science and technology industry is also the application of the Internet of things.
doi:10.12677/jsta.2018.62006 fatcat:d75zr5gv3vgflmzqodt2t3pj6q