Challenges in Industrialized Renovation of Apartment Buildings

Ergo Pikas, Olli Seppänen, Lauri Koskela, Antti Peltokorpi
2021 Proc. 29th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC)   unpublished
Motivated by the European Green Deal framework, an ambitious 30-years long renovation strategy has been established in Estonia. This renovation strategy requires a substantial increase in the annual renovation capacity. New capabilities in terms of industrialization and digitalization of sustainable renovation processes need to be promoted. This explorative research aims to identify and understand existing practices, main barriers, and opportunities to industrialize and digitalize sustainable
more » ... novation of existing apartment buildings. Interviews and secondary data sources are used for data collection and analysis. Still many barriers exist, and more research and development in core elements of the industrialized renovation of apartment buildings is required. For example, further standardization of renovation products and processes is needed. Also, digitalization and automation of industrialized renovation of apartment buildings were the least developed core element.
doi:10.24928/2021/0155 fatcat:k7i5pmoayrbgblk3pvjpg76d3y