Photoinduced coherent acoustic-phonons in Fe/Si film

Zhang Zheng-Bing, Ma Xiao-Bai, Jin Zuan-Ming, Ma Guo-Hong, Yang Jin-Bo
2012 Wuli xuebao  
High frequency coherent acoustic-phonons are excited in Fe/Si film by using femtosecond pump-probe technique. The dynamics of coherent acoustic-phonons can be fitted well to a classical damped harmonic function. The frequency and the dephasing time of the observed acoustic-phonons are 0.25 THz and 12 ps, respectively, which are independent of pumping photo-energy and fluence. Moreover, the amplitude of the coherent acoustic-phonons is linearly proportional to the fluence. The critical parameter
more » ... (12τe-ph/T ) is calculated to be about 0.6, which indicates that the electron pressure might play a significant role in driving coherent acoustic phonons. The thickness and the mass density of the film are required to determine the out-of-plane elastic constant C ⊥ ∼ 283 GPa of the Fe/Si film.
doi:10.7498/aps.61.097401 fatcat:6ooxer3jmzgwppyaexr25nnniq