Implementation and Performance Analysis of Remote Inclination Monitoring System

Koray GURKAN, Burak AKPINAR, Ahmet Anıl DİNDAR
2021 Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering  
This paper presents the design, implementation, and test stages of a low-cost inclinometer system. The main block consists of the MEMS-based two-axis inclinometer sensor, custom-designed isolated data acquisition circuit, Raspberry Pi single board computer with open-source Python-based software, and remote FTP server. The selection of hardware components, and the algorithm of software are given in detail. Results of system verification, noise characterization, temperature dependency
more » ... , and long-term test on a high-rise building have revealed that the inclinometer system is suitable for structural health monitoring applications.
doi:10.17694/bajece.731890 fatcat:7t2z6n5hqvfxzkvrmw2pxoxhcm