Broadband DOA Estimation Using Sensor Arrays on Complex-Shaped Rigid Bodies

Dumidu S. Talagala, Wen Zhang, Thushara D. Abhayapala
2013 IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing  
Sensor arrays mounted on complex-shaped rigid bodies are a common feature in many practical broadband direction of arrival (DOA) estimation applications. The scattering and reflections caused by these rigid bodies introduce complexity and diversity in the frequency domain of the channel transfer function, which presents several challenges to existing broadband DOA estimators. This paper presents a novel high resolution broadband DOA estimation technique based on signal subspace decomposition.
more » ... describe how broadband signals can be decomposed into narrow subband components, and combined such that the frequency domain diversity is retained. The DOA estimation performance is compared with existing techniques using a uniform circular array and a sensor array on a hypothetical rigid body. An improvement in closely spaced source resolution of up to 6 dB is observed for the sensor array on the hypothetical rigid body, in comparison to the uniform circular array. The results suggest that frequency domain diversity, introduced by complex-shaped rigid bodies, can provide higher resolution and clearer separation of closely spaced broadband sound sources. Index Terms-Arbitrary array, array signal processing, direction of arrival (DOA), head related transfer function (HRTF), MUSIC, source localization. His research interests are in the areas of sound source localization, spatial soundfield reproduction, active noise control and array signal processing. He is a graduate student member of the IEEE.
doi:10.1109/tasl.2013.2255282 fatcat:bnd3iotajvhw7drslnzhsikfhq