The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Prisoners in European war camps will be potentially better off tonight after the benefit perform ance of "A Woman Wronged; or May Blossom, the Story of * Blighted Life" is held in Hogg Me morial Auditorium at 8 o clock. Proceeds from the benefit showing will go to the WT orld Student Serv ice Fund which is designed to send educational and recreational fa cilities to students in China and prisoners in Europe. Tickets are 50 cents for stu dents and faculty members, 75 cents for others. The play
more » ... ll open its regular run Wednesday night and continue through Saturday. " Students are urged to attend the Tuesday night performance," Douglas Zwiener, chairman of the campus committee, stated, in order to raise as much money as possible for the fund." Dr. Homer P. Rainey is na tional chairman of the World Stu dent Service Fund which is now making drives on college campuses all over the country in an attempt to rush aid to China and Europe. " A Woman Wronged," written by David Belasco, is a melodrama Houston Pastor Steers, 7-U p Bottlers Will Deliver Baccalaureate Tangle Today at 3:30 Shown above U Dr. Homer P. Rainey, president of the University and national chairman of th® World Student Service Fund, buying the first ticket to th® Curtain Club'* benefit performance of "A W oman W ronged, or May Blo»*om: the Story of a Blighted Life from petit!® Gloria Obar, sweetheart of the University. Lending their moral »uport are, left to right, Clint Anderson, president of the Curtain Club, and Douglas Zwiener, campus W .S.S.F. com mittee chairman.
doi:10.26153/tsw/25807 fatcat:4q4ephjd3zdnjjvnwpvqi6hbhe