The Effect of Increased Training Time for Patients with Feeding Tubes in a Kaifukuki Rehabilitation Ward

Yasunori IKENAGA, Tomoya TAKAHASHI, Shinsuke GOTO, Hitoshi NISHIMURA
2010 The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine  
Jpn J Rehabil Med . Abstract : After April 2006, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor raised the permitted training time from 6 to 9 units 1 unit of training time corresponds to 20 minutes of exercise with a therapist for patients in a kaifukuki convalescent rehabilitation ward. We examined the effect of the increased rehabilitative training time on patients using feeding tubes in a kaifukuki rehabilitation ward after an initial cerebrovascular disorder, with a particular focus on
more » ... swallowing disorders. Our study was comprised of post-stroke patients with feeding tubes who underwent rehabilitation from
doi:10.2490/jjrmc.47.224 fatcat:vlj6qaho5vaorilrmswnzve2cy