Guayaba foliage (Psidium guajava L.) as a phytobiotic in the feeding of broiler chickens

Piedad Yépez Macías, Ronny Gaibor Carvajal, Fabian López Laje, Darling Mendoza Vera
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
In the different livestock production systems, feed represents the highest percentage of investment in poultry production. Producers are constantly seeking to improve their productive parameters by using different additives, among the most used are antibiotic growth promoters. In Ecuador, many plant species can be used as a source of nutrients or as medicinal additives. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the addition of guava foliage levels on the productive behavior
more » ... f broiler chickens. The work was carried out at the "Romero" farm located in the "Cuatro Mangas" enclosure on the Quevedo - Buena Fe Road, province of Los Ríos. A total of 160 Broilers Cobb 500 were used, distributed in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replicates each, with 8 animals as experimental unit. No statistical differences were found concerning the productive parameters between the means of the Tukey treatments (P≤0.05); however, in the benefit-cost ratio, the 0.5% of guava foliage presented the best value ($1.83), which means that for each dollar invested, a profit of 0.83 ctvs was obtained, with a profitability of 82.67% and a mortality of 2.5%.
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6ns3.8671 fatcat:634iikbbk5c27dyt2phn6rawza