Review of: Christine Riegel: Bildung – Intersektionalität – Othering. Pädagogisches Handeln in widersprüchlichen Verhältnissen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2016

Torsten Mergen
In her postdoctoral thesis in educational science Christine Riegel examines both the emancipatory potential and the social inequalities that are produced or consolidated by education and educational institutions. Thus, she addresses a crucial topic in education policy and does so in a profound and theoretically well-versed way. She systematizes the perspective of intersectional analysis, in order to describe current educational practices in schools and youth work that are power-based or
more » ... y-based, and offers both criticism and suggestions for change. This qualitative empirical research aims at revealing difference and dominance in social practice and to raise an awareness for the question whether constant self-reflection is an essential part of pedagogical interactions.
doi:10.14766/1230 fatcat:kawgnseegjhxtjmemv62vkvvge