Study on osteopotential activity of Terminalia arjuna bark extract incorporated bone substitute

G. Krithiga, T. Hemalatha, R. Deepachitra, Kausik Ghosh, T. P. Sastry
2014 Bulletin of Materials Science  
Bark extract of Terminalia arjuna (TA) possesses potent medical properties and therefore, holds a reputed position in both Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine. Bone substitutes play an inevitable role in traumatic bone damages. Growth factors induce osteoinductivity, but suffer from limitations such as high cost and side effects. This study aims to evaluate the osteoinductive potential of bark extract of TA in bone substitutes. Bone substitutes prepared with TA bark extract were
more » ... d for their physicochemical properties. In vitro biomineralization study was carried out using simulated body fluid. Cytotoxicity, alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralization potential were assessed using MG-63 cell lines. Scanning electron microscope revealed apatite formation on the surface after biomineralization. Thermogravimetric analysis showed 15% increase in residual weight by deposition of calcium and phosphate and their presence was identified by energy dispersive analysis. Increased alkaline phosphatase and calcium release was observed in bone substitutes prepared with TA extract compared with control. The functional groups of TA bark extract help in in vitro biomineralization. In MG-63 cells, it showed potential influence in cell differentiation. TA extract may be used as low-cost alternative for growth factors for treatment of fractured bones.
doi:10.1007/s12034-014-0079-1 fatcat:46gmnxsh4zbondmkzzd55apn6a