ACA Spectrometer Development and Possibility of a Future ACA Correlator based on GPU technology

Tetsuhiro Minamidani
2019 Zenodo  
The ACA Spectrometer project is a development project to deliver to ALMA a GPU spectrometer that processes signals from the four ACA TP (12-m) antennas. The Development Project is led by KASI in collaboration with NAOJ. Its initial design phase was concluded by PDR on Feb. 2017 and the continuation of the project was approved by the Board on Nov. 2017. Now, the detailed design is on-going. In this phase, test observations have been conducted with the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope with successful
more » ... ra results. An AOS on-site test focused on environmental checks was also completed in Feb. 2018. We are now moving forward to complete this development, and to installation and commissioning in 2020. The next step in the process will be the CDMR, currently planned in Summer 2019. After the delivery of the ACA spectrometer, a natural continuation will be the consideration of an ACA correlator based on GPU technology. We will comment on this possibility from a technical point of view.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3240377 fatcat:q6xlfzxpa5cthmhjjyjwjciuya