Advanced Diagnostic Imaging

Vivian Ho
2008 Medical Care  
Common symptoms and symptom complexes are addressed by this tool. Imaging requests for patients with atypical symptoms or clinical presentations that are not specifically addressed will require physician review. Consultation with the referring physician may provide additional insight. This version incorporates MSI accepted revisions prior to 12/18/09 MedSolutions, Inc. This tool addresses common symptoms and symptom complexes. Imaging requests for patients with atypical Clinical Decision
more » ... Tool symptoms or clinical presentations that are not specifically addressed will require physician review. Diagnostic Strategies Consultation with the referring physician, specialist and/or patient's Primary Care Physician (PCP) may provide additional insight.
doi:10.1097/mlr.0b013e31816f1c18 pmid:18438191 fatcat:qzg56hdgbrcobityz6pxjc5hni