Optimization of Multiphase Technological Process Based on Simulation Modeling

Valentin N. Kurochkin
2018 International scientific and practical conference "AgroSMART - Smart solutions for agriculture" (AgroSMART 2018)   unpublished
An industrial experiment and simulation modeling have been conducted in order to study process optimization possibilities. Regularities of multiphase agricultural technological process functioning on the example of harvesting transport system were the object of the study. The regularities appearing during multiphase agricultural technological process functioning in agricultural organizations and their associations have been studied. The hypothesis has been proved that this system can be
more » ... d with mathematical simulation. This optimization can result in parameter and operational system failures decrease and it efficiency increase.
doi:10.2991/agrosmart-18.2018.82 fatcat:ko2agabqrvffjhsghrd3vnzeuy