Period Changes in SX Phoenicis Stars: IV. BL Camelopardali

George J. Conidis, Paul A. Delaney
2013 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific  
A total of 73 new times of maximum light for BL Cam were observed through the years 2005-2011, which are combined with 1392 times of maxima taken from literature. A more accurate period of 0.039097912(1) days was found, and an updated linear ephemeris is presented. This newly presented linear ephemeris was used to calculate revised O À C values, which were fitted with a parabolic curve to measure the rate of change of the pulsation period, found to be ð1=P ÞðdP =dtÞ ¼ 1:37ð2Þ × 10 À7 yr À1 .
more » ... hough the parabolic fit has a physical interpretation, it is noted that a cubic more appropriately fits the behavior of the O À C diagram.
doi:10.1086/671239 fatcat:htpeep5eyjhdtmmgcjmpnrt7oy