Lynx Newsletter issue #1: Compliance made easy [article]

Lynx Consortium
2019 Zenodo  
Welcome to Issue #1 of the Lynx Newsletter! The main objective of Lynx is to create an ecosystem of smart cloud services to better manage compliance, based on a Legal Knowledge Graph (LKG) which integrates and links heterogeneous compliance data sources including legislation, case law, standards and other private contracts. Lynx will provide more e effective ways of accessing huge amounts of digital regulatory compliance documents, including legislation, case law, standards, industry norms and
more » ... est practices. In particular, this solution envisages an ecosystem of smart cloud services to better manage compliance documents, based on a Legal Knowledge Graph, which integrates and links heterogeneous compliance data sources. This ecosystem will enable smart search, smart assistance and smart referencing of case law, as well as Artificial Intelligence technologies and machine translation of regulatory compliance documents. Lynx will offer a legal knowledge and information one-stop shop service for SMEs and other operating internationally. In this newsletter you will find news and events related to the Lynx project, such as, updates on release of new content in the Lynx home page data portal, achievements, meetings and other public information. You can also check the project's website at
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4723442 fatcat:oa7bfcngszaa5db4rx3ukoo5ye