Proper Infrastructure Design at High Vertical Loads, Nearby Waterfront Structures

Dogaru Petrisor, Djordje Krkljus, Vlăescu Daniel
2019 Ovidius University Annals of Constanta - Series Civil Engineering  
Hence economic growth requires more and more investments in the harbor area, especially nearby waterfront structures, a special attention must be taken into account regarding proper infrastructure design for structures with high vertical loads. At the same time, we have to consider the good behavior of the new design structures and also their impact on the existing nearby waterfront infrastructure. Being adjacent to waterfront structures and due to the limited available space, these structures
more » ... re typically tall and narrow, and exert average soil pressures on the order of 300KPa. These loads can only be accommodated by ground with an adequate bearing capacity. This publication presents case studies of waterfront projects like grain silos storage facility. Available results for the certification and monitoring of the works are also presented, as well as other considerations based on the author's experience.
doi:10.2478/ouacsce-2019-0004 fatcat:7dn3znyf6rb7fibcnuow65xhsm