Behavioral changes in the use of the affected hand in daily life using ADOC-H for patients with upper limb paralysis after stroke:

Yuko Kawaguchi, Yuki Saito, Kanta Ohno, Kazuya Toshima, Yui Kobayashi
Aid for Decision-making in Occupation Choice for Hand (ADOC-H) is a decision-aid to promote the use of the affected hand in the real life ; however, only a few studies have used the ADOC-H in clinical settings. This case study investigated the clinical utility of the ADOC-H in a male patient with upper limb palsy and mild aphasia. In this study, we provided him task-oriented training according to motor function, and promoted behavioral change using his affected hand in daily activities by
more » ... . As a result, the function of his affected hand improved, and he could increase the frequency of the use of his affected hand in daily life. We speculate that the ADOC-H may help to facilitate communication regarding using the affected hand in real life.
doi:10.32178/jotr.40.4_449 fatcat:kwuhwxq3nncjlgblmlot7oe6oa