Optofluidic Bragg Grating Sensor for Monolayer Detection

Richard M. Parker, James C. Gates, Peter G. Smith, Martin C. Grossel
2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference   unpublished
An exposed Bragg grating incorporated into a planar waveguide was used to form a refractive index sensor. The high sensitivity to subtle changes allowed the study of surface functionalisation and binding within a microfluidic system. OCIS codes: (280.4788) Optical sensing and sensors; (230.7380) Waveguides, channelled. Planar waveguides can be written with a UV-laser into photosensitized silica to produce a wide range of optical devices. Careful modulation of interfering beams allows Bragg
more » ... ngs to be directly written into the channel (Figure 1 ):
doi:10.1364/cleo.2009.jtud57 fatcat:c35zvtbf4bfphemra63o6osjzi