An Automated Tool for Non-contact, Real Time Early Detection of Diabetes by Computer Vision

Jamal Firmat Banzi, Zhaojun Xue
2015 International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing  
There has been considerable progress in computer vision, artificial neural network and pattern recognition in the last two decades, and there has also much progress in medical imaging technology in recent years. Although images in digital form can be processed by basic image processing techniques, effective use of computer vision can provide much useful information for diagnosis and treatment. In this paper we integrate computer vision and iridology practice for the detection of diabetes. Using
more » ... iridology iris image is evaluated by detecting the presence of broken tissues and change in color pattern. According to iridology the abnormality in an iris of the human eye represent the abnormality of the corresponding organ conferred by the iris chart. In this research we examine pancreas organ which is at position 01:45 -02:15 for the right eye and 07:15-7:45 for the left eye according to Dr. Jensen iris chart. We applied two methods to reach our conclusion, visual inspection method and color coding method. The artificial neural network is used for training and classification purpose. The entire process is showing a high accuracy detection of abnormality of pancreas organ which led to diabetes. The final result is compared with the insulin normality test for verification.
doi:10.7763/ijmlc.2015.v5.511 fatcat:lmo6p7xnbrbwjhsa3rpmmwvyp4