Temporal variation of ambient particulate matter in Chattogram City, Bangladesh

Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder, Abdullah Al Nayeem, Md Nasir Ahmmed Patoary, William S. Carter
2020 Journal of air pollution and health  
Chattogram is known as the Bangladesh's commercial capital with its diversified industrial areas and seaport. This study aimed to assess the Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10) in relation to meteorological characteris- tics in Chattogram city from 2013-2018. Materials and methods: Monthly PM2.5 and PM10 data were collected from the Continuous Air Monitoring Station (CAMS) in Chattogram City (Agrabad Point) which is operated by the Department of Environment (DoE) of Ban- gladesh under the Clean
more » ... Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) project. Results: This Study found the higher concentration of both PM2.5 and PM10 occurred from December to February and it decreases from July-September and begins to increase from the month of October. The PM values seasonally varied being higher during the winter seasons and decreased in rainy seasons. The PM2.5 mass was detected 50% of that of PM10 which is mostly from bio- mass burn and vehicles activities. Meteorological parameters such as rainfall and humidity had strong inverse relation with both PM2.5 and PM10 over the years. Conclusion: The Study found the average annual concentration of PM2.5 was 5-6 times higher and PM10 was 3 times higher than Bangladesh National Am- bient Air Quality Standard (BNAAQS) in Chattogram city over this six year period. It can be concluded that the air pollution in Dhaka city is deteriorating rapidly and it is high time to implement the clean air act urgently to reduce such destruction.
doi:10.18502/japh.v5i1.2857 fatcat:wcgfpqjmsff2djxh3ay2mwybia