Tightly-Coupled Wrappers with Event Detection Subsystem for Heterogeneous Information Systems

C. Popfinger, S. Conrad
16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'05)  
The interconnection of heterogeneous and autonomous data sources for information sharing demands for flexible and extensible integrative components. In this paper we present a universal architecture for building wrapper components to access various types of heterogeneous information sources. The wrapper comprises an event detection subsystem to detect and propagate modifications of the data stock. The architecture proposed especially supports Enhanced Active Database Systems, which are able to
more » ... ctively notify their tightly-coupled wrapper components about data changes.
doi:10.1109/dexa.2005.187 dblp:conf/dexaw/PopfingerC05 fatcat:be6fx35hnjfqrphpcbb7l4thy4