Amartya Sen'in Adalet Düşüncesi ve Adaletsizlik Problemi için Tarafsız Gözlemci

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2018 İnsan&İnsan Bilim Kültür Sanat ve Düşünce Dergisi  
In this study, it has been analyzed Amartya Sen's idea of justice and his proposal "Impartial Spectator "for the question of injustice. In order understand Sen's idea of justice, his critique on Rawls' theory of justice should be considered. Sen's idea of justice could be read as a critique of Rawls' theory of justice as well as a suggestion of a new approach instead. For this reason, I will explicate Sen's idea of justice through his critique on Rawls' theory of justice. Apart from that,
more » ... ial Spectator is important concept to understand Sen's idea of justice. Adam Smith proposes the impartial spectator as the standard for moral behaviors in the Theory of Moral Sentiments". Sen's takes this notion and use it in the realm of politics for the question of justice. Sen comes up with the idea of "impartial spectator" as a solution for the question of justice in his works.
doi:10.29224/insanveinsan.422952 fatcat:bm3zwp3i6neolmyloceq7cqcee