Investigation of corrosion resistance of welded flexible compensation elements from austenitic steels operating in aggressive environments
F. V. Morgay, V. P. Ivanov, N. A. Solidor
Vìsnik Priazovsʹkogo Deržgavnogo Tehničnogo Unìversitetu. Serìâ: Tehnìčnì Nauki
Rus.) 12. Topolyansky P.A., Sosnin N.A., Ermakov S.A. Finishnoye plazmennoye uprochneniyenanotekhnologiya (k 25-letiyu sozdaniya) [Final plasma hardeningnanotechnology (to the 25th anniversary of its creation)]. Tekhnologii uprochneniya, naneseniya pokrytiy i remonta: Teoriya i praktika -Technologies of hardening, coating and repair: Theory and practice, 2012, vol. 2, pp. 344-366. (Rus.) 13. Samotugin S.S, Mazur V.A. Plazmennoye mikro-i nanostrukturirovaniye poverkhnosti instrumental'nykh
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... [Plasma microand nanostructuring of the surface of tool steels]. Uprochnyayushchiye tekhnologii i pokrytiya -Strengthening technologies and coatings, 2013, no. 4, pp. 29-37. (Rus.) 14. Samotugin S.S., Samotugina Yu.S., Khristenko O.A. Nanotekhnologii v mashinostroyenii: plazmennoyemodifitsirovaniyerez'bonareznogoinstrumenta [Nanotechnologies in mechanical engineering: plasma modification of thread-cutting tools]. Vіsnik Priazovs'kogo derzhavnogo tekhnіchnogo unіversitetu. Serіia: Tekhnіchnі nauki -. (Rus.) 15. Samotugin S.S., Samotugina Yu.S., Khristenko O.A., Tkachenko T.K., Lavrinenko V.I. Plazmennoye submikro-i nanostrukturirovaniye instrumenta iz stali KH12M [Plasma submicroand nanostructuring of a tool made of Cr12Mo steel]. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya -Mechanical engineering technology, 2020, no. 5, pp. 42-52. (Rus.) 16. Nikolayev A.V. Plazmenno-dugovoy nagrev veshchestva [Plasma-arc heating of matter]. Plazmennyye protsessy v metallurgii i tekhnologii neorganicheskikh materialov -Plasma processes in metallurgy and technology of inorganic materials, 1973, pp. 20-32. (Rus.) Рецензент: В.В. Суглобов д-р техн. наук, проф., ДВНЗ «ПДТУ» Стаття надійшла 27.01.2020 The main characteristics of welded flexible compensating elements made of austenitic steels AISI 304 and AISI 316 are considered, and an analysis of the types of corrosion arising during their operation is carried out. Metallographic studies and studies to assess the resistance to pitting and intergranular corrosion have been carried out. Research has been carried out on the chemical composition of materials for the manufacture of metal hoses and bellows expansion joints, as well as research on resistance to corrosion cracking. As a result of the experiments carried out, the effect of heat treatment and the degree of deformation on the corrosion resistance of austenitic steels AISI 304 and AISI 316 in various environments has been determined.