1895 The Lancet  
155 CLINICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. colnmnar cells when malignant developed a lesion indis-.tinguishable from that of squamous. "Duct cancers " of the mamma were intra-cystic carcinomatous vegetations; the cysts were much more often dilated acini than dilated ducts ; the cells from which they sprung were those of the gland parenchyma, therefore identical with the parent cells of scirrhus j and any clinical differences, such as tardi-,ness in infecting the glands, were due to the cyst wall, which
more » ... stituted a rigid envelope or "capsule."-Mr. JACKSON CLARKE said that there was good clinical
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(01)90920-1 fatcat:62n5bp2l75b3bfim46sk4z6hme