Psychosomatic Medicine in Arrhythmia

Toru Maruyama, Mitsuhiro Fukata
2020 Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine  
Although a psychosomatic approach to the patients with arrhythmia is important, this importance is not so widely recognized. The sensation of palpitation is most frequently encountered in cardiac patients but is not necessarily coincided with the occurrence of arrhythmia. Persons sensitive to body sensations or with many daily irritants are prone to feel palpitation. Anxious or depressive mood is associated with the symptom, therapeutic response and prognosis in patients with atrial
more » ... . Implantable cardioverter defibrillator(ICD)does not necessarily improve the quality of life in patients with ventricular arrhythmias. Moreover, patients with anxiety or depression are abnormally sensitive to the real and phantom shock delivered by ICD, indicating that multidisciplinary mental support to such patients is important.
doi:10.15064/jjpm.60.5_405 fatcat:arvshicy2jcivk33xf73ttwhie