Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, August 27, 1897] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Tb«N,v BaoK bti notUrf to do vllh Boots & Shoes We are still on the War Path, with Cheap'.'Summer Gcods, Prices tell the tale. Hunt us up for Bargains. Jk. rr. Boot and She* EtnpoTiiiiTi. And no mistake for the pa'.t few weeks-In conse. qutnee we've had a pretty big sized run on all light weightktep-me-cool stulT-but we've not sold out yet by any means. You want to "^et in" on those English PrinUat 8,10 and 13 cents-and you're foolish buy ing 50c. Dress Goods when we can ratisfy you-yes-and
more » ... ycu away pleased-with pretty eflSsets in 40 to 44 in. goods-at 20, 2S and 35 cts-Well-Wc've satisfied a num. btr of people who are pretty well up in values-comelet us shew them to you any how------( h! by the waythere's been conriderab'e ta'k about the Bargains we've been giving our customers lately-are you benefitted.> Do you want any-^are^ou likely to require any soonthat is Towels Towelling, Flannelettes, White Cottons, Ginghams, Prints,Corscts,that fit you-so cents. Millinety at half-price-Wc'il have new goeds to show yoj shortly. NOTICE km Aietloa Sale ef Hoiaehold Effeeta ia being arranged to Uke place In my Salesro m, Green Block, Oj SATURDAY EKBiiig 8EPTEMBBB 4tk Tboso Havinn aiiy Farnltnre, Etc., that they wish Into Cl m« U with me before Mond'ey Sltht pricr to the Sale-M that the iMrtleiilan can In the advertlsemeht. TIB OIILCOOr AID DTIA PA8BZ8 T. B. B. HelacM Olm ■ criyUM el ne aile gss.iyi.'sirtfj CABLE DOPATQBE8 m-OtaUllolhaVasaAM TA*"-7f j iV?j ? tbom who hen i tbMV dofM op •sadlilon m to b PnU iPaj SrnJi arid'isflldirirI OBBtoaiiphorohrfcr-rstawyel >M. 1 Tbo tfsli bwo ts prami is dotted doMd. bosta toahtp teH la, a lolaro trip by tbo owoots. vbo hoTs 00 n.
doi:10.25316/ir-10066 fatcat:w5yjg3y3bzhedhpvaai7hkoizu