Petal-like Microstructures Formed from Sterically Crowded Chromophores

Yoshiaki Tokumura, Mina Han
2021 Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology (Fotoporima Konwakai shi)  
A sterically crowded triangular molecule (3PhA) was synthesized with three terminal triphenylamine (TPA) wings connected to the central ring structure via a diethylphenyl group. In contrast to the tendency of conventional triangular molecules to assemble into onedimensional fibrous structures, the nonplanar distorted 3PhA formed micrometer-sized petallike aggregates. When excited with ultraviolet (UV, 340-360 nm) and green (510 nm) light, 3PhA in organic solutions exhibited two fluorescence
more » ... s maximized at ~380-400 and ≥650 nm, respectively. The fluorescence properties did not change significantly even after the formation of flat petal-like structures. These experimental results are likely due to the distorted molecular structure of sterically crowded 3PhA, which can cause suppression of intramolecular rotation and weakening of intermolecular interactions.
doi:10.2494/photopolymer.34.417 fatcat:qdtcjzjdm5dy3l3s7ijx3h2m7e