21123 Crack Visualization of Metallic Structures Using Time-Domain Reflectometry with Microstrip Lines
21123 MSLとTDRを用いた金属構造物の損傷可視化

Masahiro Kawasaki, Ryosuke Matsuzaki, Akira Todoroki
2014 The Proceedings of Conference of Kanto Branch  
The present study 血 vestigated erack visualization in metallic stmctures using 血 le・ do 血 refleCt 。me 噂 ( TDR ) wi 血 Clifferential circuit of microstrip line ( MSL ) . It was problematie 山 at single endod oftwo − dimensional ( 2D ) MSL was affeCted by the cross talk voltage because of the interference ofa ( ljacent MSL , Differential circuit enables to suppress the cross talk voltage by taking the difference . Crack visualizatien experiments were conducted using 出e proposed TDR with dif ntial
more » ... rcuit of 2D MSL fbr different crack lengths . The experimental results demonstrated that erack propagation oould be clearly visua 重 ized by detem 血 」 皿 g the appropriate threshold. ] b observe the flow of 血 e electric Held , the electromagrietic fields of thc silgle ended and the differential circuit was numerieally simulated using the finite ・ difference time − domain me 重 hod. 皿 ie simUlation resultS clarified that the eross tall ( voltage decreased , because the eleetric field of the differential circuit caused by leakage tO adjacent MSL was in phase ,
doi:10.1299/jsmekanto.2014.20._21123-1_ fatcat:7cpjlju4xvdr3pjj5qplaprcy4