The Indices to Evaluate Effects of Music Therapy

Mayu Kondo
2014 Journal of Medical Music Therapy  
It is difficult to show the efficiency of music therapy (MT) objectively, though it is apparent subjectively and empirically. But, the establishment of its evidence is indispensable in order to utilize the MT in the medical situation as one of the alternative or supplemental therapies. I discuss the objective indices which are suitable to show the efficacy of MT, and introduce some of my previous researches. It is generally accepted that, as the indices, easy, non-vulnerable, and cheap ones are
more » ... recommended. From the results of reported literatures and my previous researches, I suppose that chromogranin A(CgA)" immunoglobulin A (IgA), and cortisol in the saliva might be useful to show the efficiency of MT. Further effort is needed to clearly show the efficiency of MT, scientifically.
doi:10.11319/jmm.7.33 fatcat:zk7mmq6mazfc5gnikpfbj4gnk4