Study of Morphological, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Salt Affected Soils Using Remote Sensing Technologies at Basrah Province

Saadia M. Saleh, Salah M. Sultan, Ali H. Dheyab
2019 Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences  
This study was carried out to determine some morphological, physical and chemical properties of sedimentary salt affected soils in Basrah region east of Shatt al-Arab, and from the madina north to Abi Al-Khaseeb in the south of an area of 2819.06km2. Soil mapping units were separated using ERDAS software calculated from B4, B3, B2 and GIS spectral belts. The results of the morphological description of all the pedons showed that they represent the state of the newly formed undeveloped soils
more » ... y composed of river sediments with the absence of diagnostic subsurface horizons. According to the prevalence of the prevailing wavelength 7.5R at drought was more than 60% of total horizons with almost equal proportions of Wavelengths 7.5YR, 5YR and 10R. Where the dominance between the wavelengths 2.5Y, 10R, 5YR and the colours ranged from Light yellow to reddish-brown heavy. Since the salinity of the soil is very important for the purposes of classification of soil and the preparation of maps and reclamation of these soils, this study aimed to study the characteristics of soils affected by salinity has separated into maps units using remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems.
doi:10.37077/25200860.2019.261 fatcat:6eowxyze6vafjauayyew5ihrlu