A review on machine learning techniques for secure IoT networks

Abuzar Qureshi, Muhammad Ali Qureshi, Hamza Ali Haider, Rameez Khawaja
2020 2020 IEEE 23rd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC)  
Internet of Things (IoT) is the major technology of the 4 th industrial revolution in which various types of devices are connected together to work smartly without the intervention of humans. IoT seems to impart a great impact on our social, economic, and commercial lives. IoT applications are converting from smart home and smart me to the smart cities or smart planet. However, the large number of devices interconnected with each other by multi protocols puts the security of IoT networks on the
more » ... verge of threats. Making the IoT devices more secure is also not feasible because of their limited computational power. Hence, there is a need for advancement in methods to secure IoT networks. Machine Learning (ML) models have been hot topics in security research in past years. As the IoT devices generate tons of data on a daily basis which can be used to train ML algorithms, it could be a reasonable solution to provide security to IoT systems. In this work, the main goal is to provide a broader survey of research works in the IoT security field regarding ML implementation. We briefly described the security issues in IoT networks and their impact on the privacy of important data. We then shed light on different ML algorithms and models and discussed their advantages, disadvantages, and applications in IoT individually. Moreover, the ML models currently working in IoT networks for security purposes are discussed. We also talked about the limitations of using ML models to secure the IoT networks which could provide new future research directions.
doi:10.1109/inmic50486.2020.9318092 fatcat:t4qc2lguavgxdlxttvci4xpxj4