Grain Prices in the Account Book of Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (1570s – 1610s) [chapter]

Zoya V. Dmitrieva, Saint-Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences
2021 Traditional and innovative ways to explore social history of Russia 12th–20th centuries: Collection of articles in honor of Elena Nikolaevna Shveikovskaya  
The article describes the feasibility of the study of prices fixed for bread (rye, oat, barley and wheat), one of the basic products consumed by Russia's population in the early Modern Time according to materials containing in monastery vkladnye knigi of the XVI–XVII centuries. As a rule, all monasteries used to keep account books irrespective of how large the monastery brethren were, the time of monastery foundation and means of support they had. As a rule, contributions to monastries were
more » ... ed, and it makes it possible to use such contribution records for a study of price history including grain prices. The study is based on the records containing in the account book of Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery for the period between 1559/60–1620s. (Archive of St.Petersburg History Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Coll. 115. T. 1074). The found price data are comparable with grain prices published on the basis of account books of the Russian North monasteries and feature «bread» price changes in the region over the period of the crisis in the final third of the XVI century, Great Famine and the Time of Trouble at the turn of the XVII century.
doi:10.31168/94881-516-9.05 fatcat:3n5ehc6f7veorop3lezeloshk4