Switchable magnetic dipole induced guided vortex motion

N. Verellen, A. V. Silhanek, W. Gillijns, V. V. Moshchalkov, V. Metlushko, F. Gozzini, B. Ilic
2008 Applied Physics Letters  
We present evidence of magnetically controlled guided vortex motion in a hybrid superconductor/ferromagnet nanosystem consisting of an Al film on top of a square array of permalloy square rings. When the rings are magnetized with an in-plane external field H, an array of point-like dipoles with moments antiparallel to H, is formed. The resulting magnetic template generates a strongly anisotropic pinning potential landscape for vortices in the superconducting layer. Transport measurements show
more » ... at this anisotropy is able to confine the flux motion along the high symmetry axes of the square lattice of dipoles. This guided vortex motion can be either re-routed by 90 degrees by simply changing the dipole orientation or even strongly suppressed by inducing a flux-closure magnetic state with very low stray fields in the rings.
doi:10.1063/1.2955824 fatcat:77sgcsbnsbbnzjesb2e67jjj4y